Mistake No. 1 :: Committing to a destination wedding prior to dating the idea of a destination wedding
Roadblock Tip :: Research and discuss the idea prior to making a decision.
Just as compatibility is necessary in the couple’s decision to marry, a couple’s compatibility is also necessary when planning a destination wedding. We suggest putting a little effort into the consideration process. In addition to discussing the idea as a couple, you should also discuss the idea with your parents and other close relatives and/or loved ones. An uncompromisable attendance of an important family member could serve as a decision breaker for some. Know this ahead of time!
You will find a host of online information to assist you with key decision making factors. We’ve included a few reads for you to begin your journey:
- Destination Bride :: Is a destination wedding right for you?
- About.com :: Is a destination wedding right for you? – 8 Pros and Cons of a Destination Wedding
- DW101: Is a destination wedding right for me? [Miss Sea Breeze of Wedding Bee’s prior life as Miss Purple]
- Be sure to take our fun compatibility quiz along the way.
Mistake No. 2 :: Choosing the destination wedding location prematurely
“Let’s get married in Paris!” says Joe Loversfield. “That would be awesome!” says Moneyless Melinda. {or vice versa}
Roadblock Tip :: Begin choosing your location with well though out ideas. Include location features, benefits and expense details (wedding, couple’s travel(s), guests travel) that you would like to consider. These ideas can then be matched with location possibilities for your to review further. Your list of possible locations will be more beneficial that the list of locations you have at the top of your head.
We don’t like being the bearer of bad news. However, it is absolutely necessary to properly outline your wedding budget prior to making any other wedding related decisions (destination wedding or not). This goes much deeper than having a magical figure floating around in your head. Hearing that you have about $XYZ to spend is such a huge pet peeve of mine. This is not Let’s Make a Deal. I’m not Monty Hall. Nor am I Wayne Brady. We only work with fact based figures. This is the only way to successfully know what you’re up against.
Aside from the need to know your actual financial wedding parameters and sources from which these funds will derive from, you will also need to know if your destination wedding location will offer a cohesive fit. In other words, prematurely setting your sights on Paris, France when you should realistically move towards it’s Canadian counterpart Paris, Ontario will save you anguish in the end.
To be continued…
[To your precious nuptial :: Cheers!]