11 :: Well Thought Out Wedding Week/Weekend Events
Give special thought when developing your wedding excursions and events activity list. Please do not start events too early in the morning. Your guest will appreciate sleeping in on their much needed vacation. Daytime is a great time for adventurous family filled fun. While evening time is ideal for adult friendly gatherings. Don’t forget to include a guest events itinerary in your bag or basket of greeting goodies.
12 :: Paid Guest Transfers to Wedding Events
Be kind and provide guests with transportation to and from all wedding events. Your guests will have made leaps and bounds to attend your wedding. Just as it’s not proper to require them to pay for wedding related events, they shouldn’t have to schedule and pay for on location wedding related transfers either. Not only is it courteous, but it’s simply the right thing to do. Don’t forget to list shuttle, taxi, or car pick up times on your guest itinerary.
13 :: Supply Guests With Frequent Updates
With small groups, it’s much easier to keep guest informed and excited about your up and coming destination nuptials. However, working with medium sized to larger groups may pose a greater challenge. We suggest bi-monthly updates to keep your guest excited and properly informed. Please stay within wedding etiquette when sending out any wedding related communications. Regardless of the level of formality, a flyer has no fit where weddings are concerned. We know you will send out save the date notices as well as a formal invitation. Use your wedding website for continued updates. Send email notices to visit your wedding website for updates or important need to know information from your dedicated wedding couple email address. Keeping the buzz going also creates a greater yes:no ratio of attendance.
14 :: Consider a Planning Trip
Don’t send us hate mail on this one, please! Everyone should access their need to make a planning trip. Even if you are a regular visitor of your destination, you should plan a face to face meeting with service providers as well as to outline the sheer logistics of the scheduled events. Element of change is something that’s around to stay. Staff members will changes, policies and procedures will change, venues appearances will change; Change is inevitable. Readiness and being prepared to overcome change is another story. The greater the attendee list, the greater the logistics, and the greater we urge you to budget for a planning trip. You definitely will want to consider taking your planner as well as any key decision makers.
15 :: Be In the Know on Legal Requirements
Having a planner or travel agent on hand will keep you abreast of legal necessities for marrying at your destination. Knowing what documents are needed for entry, residency requirements, translation requirements, blood test requirements, prior marriage requirements, notary requirements, religious requirements, et cetera, will make the processes that much simpler. Wouldn’t it be horrible to go through the planning and arrive at your destination only to find out that you can not be legally married for some odd reason?
Tomorrow :: 20 Elements of a Successful Destination Wedding, The Finale!
[To your precious nuptial :: Cheers!]